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Adult Athletics




Looking for a good volley?  Drop in on Tuesday nights for co-ed recreational volleyball.  The supervisor will have a calendar of drop-in dates for the year or call 847-934-6050. Participants must sign in each night of play.  If any sudden cancelation occurs, please visit our Facebook page. 

Location: Winston Campus (Middle School Gym), 900 E. Palatine Rd, Palatine.
Participants: 28 people maximum
Dates: September – May
Time: 7:00-9:00pm
Fee: Drop-in fee $6
Ages: 18 years +

Click here for the schedule

Day Date Time Fee
Tuesdays September – May   Schedule is here 7:00-9:00pm $6




Drop in for some recreational basketball and have a great time!  The supervisor will have a calendar of drop-in dates for the year or call 847-259-6890. Participants must sign in each night of play. If any sudden cancelation occurs, please visit our Facebook page. 

Location: Winston Campus (Middle School Gym), 900 E. Palatine Rd, Palatine
Day: Wednesdays
Dates: September – May
Time: 7:00-9:00pm
Fee: Drop-in fee $6
Ages: 18 years +

Click here for the schedule

Day Date Time Fee
Wednesdays September – May Schedule here 7:00-9:00pm $6


Basketball and Volleyball participants may purchase a 8-punch pass in advance for $48.   Punch passes may be purchased at our Rose Park office between 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday only.  Our Drop-in supervisor will punch your pass each time you play.  We are not responsible for lost punch passes! If you forget to bring your punch pass you will need to pay cash.  For more information on punch passes please call (847) 259-6890.

Fee: $48 for 8-punches


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